Organization Re-Registration

COSO registers student organizations each academic year. Organizations are required to re-register each Spring semester through, providing an updated executive board member roster, a list of currently enrolled organization members, and the current organization advisor. Organizations that miss the deadline provided in the Spring will be deactivated and must follow the reactivation process. Re-registration by the stated Spring semester deadline is required to participate in Canefest the next academic year.

Maintaining Active Status

At least 75% of the members of a COSO-registered organization must be undergraduate students. Graduate students are not eligible to hold leadership positions in COSO-registered organizations. Faculty & staff may participate in club activities at the discretion of the executive board and advisor, but may not be voting members, hold officer roles, or benefit directly from the expenditure of club funds. Alumni are not permitted to be members or participate in any COSO-recognized organizations.

Per COSO’s annual registration policy, to maintain active status each year requires all organizations to complete the following:

    1. Submit the Organization Renewal online with required incoming officer and advisor contact information.
    2. Student organization presidents must attend the SOLD President’s Leadership Training taking place at the start of the Fall Semester.
    3. Submit an updated constitution to reflect any changes that have been made in your organization or any that COSO requires during the re-registration period.

While this is a brief explanation of the Re-registration process, a complete description can be found on our guidelines under the tab titled “COSO Guidelines”.
