SOLD Summit

The Student Organization Leadership Development (SOLD) Summit is a one-day MANDATORY leadership conference for presidents. This leadership experience focuses on providing space for student leaders, both new and experienced alike, to gain the tools and knowledge needed to successfully lead others, connect and collaborate with peers, and maximize their leadership impact on campus.

  • For an organization to stay in good standing, the president is required to attend SOLD at the beginning of the fall semester. In the case that the student organization president cannot attend, they must email the COSO Chair ( with the name of the executive board member who can attend in their place prior to the start of the event.
  • All absences will be reviewed by COSO on a case-by-case basis. Excusing the absence is up to COSO’s discretion.
  • An organization that fails to attend the Student Organization Leadership Development Summit without having notified COSO before the event, does not provide sufficient proof of an emergency, or fails to check in at all designated sessions, will be deactivated as an organization for the remainder of the semester until the reactivation period opens the following semester. Organizations will be deactivated until then, barring them from accessing the benefits that come with being COSO-recognized.
