Purchasing Policies



Workday is used by advisors to track real-time spending on university programs (accounts). Students are not authorized to use this software; good communication between club leaders and advisors is essential to ensure that funds are accurately tracked.

Treasurers should start with the beginning balance and track all spending/deposits, comparing the numbers regularly with the Workday balance. Treasurers are encouraged to keep detailed records of all spending for events, and to share that information with the organization’s advisor. If a transaction is found in an organization’s program that is in error, please contact the SAFAC Advisor for assistance.

Organizations’ funds may be spent on items allocated by SAFAC, but may not be spent on anything illegal under university, local, state and federal law. SAFAC funds may not be spent on alcohol. Misfeasance and malfeasance of funds is a violation of University of Miami policy, and violators may be subject to disciplinary action.

At www.miami.edu/saso under the “Advisor” tab there are resources for the financial piece of the role, including step-by-step Workday instructions in “The Advisor’s Guide to Student Organization Finances”. The direct link to the financial section can be found at the following link: https://saso.studentaffairs.miami.edu/advisors/financial-resources/index.html

Access to Programs (Accounts)

A Workday program form signed by an organization’s advisor can provide viewing access to Workday under the advisor’s login as well as to generate Supplier Invoices (eCheck requests) and purchase requisitions (PO). This is filled out by the advisor when they start their role with the organization. Advisors that are having difficulty accessing programs should e-mail SASO@miami.edu or visit the Department of Student Activities & Student Organizations (SC 206).

Opening a New Program (Account)

In accordance with University of Miami policy, all funds of recognized student organizations must be kept on deposit with the University of Miami. Organizations are not permitted to hold funds in off-campus bank accounts. The university does not charge a fee for maintaining organization programs.

Upon completion of necessary paperwork, all recognized student organizations are assigned a program number for the deposit of SAFAC funds.

Forms required to open a new program include:

I. “Cost Center Request” form

II. “Request for New Workday Driver Worktag” form for SAFAC program and Non-SAFAC program

III. “Workday Finance Role Request Form

New organization advisors will receive the required program paperwork at New Advisor Orientation. Only organizations that are currently COSO registered and in good financial standing with the university and COSO will be allowed to open a new program.

Types of Programs

There are different types of student organization programs:


SAFAC Program: This program is used to hold funds granted by SAFAC and/or funds received through referenda. These programs are cleared out at the end of each fiscal year, and funds are returned to SAFAC. Donations from individuals or businesses should not be deposited into this program.


Non-SAFAC Program: This program is used to hold funds such as member dues, copayments for trips and activities, and revenue generated from ticket sales, bake sales, and other fundraising events. These programs are also used to process gifts from individual or corporate donors. These programs are not cleared out at the end of each fiscal year.


Methods of Payment for Outside Vendors

There are several ways for a student organization to provide payment for goods or services. It is the responsibility of the advisor to identify the appropriate payment method before a purchase is made. The Controller’s Office provides examples of the appropriate payment methods for a variety of expenses: https://controller.miami.edu/_assets/pdf/documents/pym_matrix_by_pymt_type.pdf

Non-Employee and Student Expense Reimbursement Form

www.miami.edu/expenseform is used to reimburse students and non-employees for expenses incurred on behalf of the university or a student organization. All spending should be pre-approved by SAFAC and/or the organization’s executive board and advisor depending on which program is being used. Because this method requires a student to pay for supplies and materials in advance, other methods of payment (Supplier Invoice, Purchase Order, Purchasing Card, etc.) are preferred and should be explored. Faculty and staff seeking reimbursement are required to generate an expense report through the Workday system. Students seeking reimbursement are required to complete the form at the link above.

The link should only be used to reimburse students for the purchase of goods or conference/travel expenses (please note, graduate student travel will NOT be reimbursed through SAFAC. Their expenses can be reimbursed through a Non-SAFAC program, or they can seek alternative funding through GAFAC). The form should not be used to reimburse expenses for performers (DJs, bands, comedians, etc.), equipment rentals (lighting, golf carts, etc.), or space rentals (banquet halls, etc.).

Workday allows the advisor to split the reimbursement among multiple programs. This enables the advisor to split costs between two or more programs, when necessary. This can be used when SAFAC and Non-SAFAC program funds are both being used to cover a portion of a student’s expenses.

Once a reimbursement is fully approved in Workday, a check is mailed to the student based off the address provided in the reimbursement form online. Reimbursement processing can take up to 15 business days, depending on the volume of requests in queue. For more information on reimbursements, contact the Disbursements Office at (305) 284-3569 or disbursements@miami.edu.

Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders (PO)

Purchase requisitions/purchase orders are used to generate payment for companies that are approved University of Miami vendors. Purchase requisitions are completed by organization advisors through Workday. Once a requisition is fully approved, a purchase order is generated and sent to the company as a “promise to pay,” and the funds are set aside. Purchase orders are paid out AFTER services are rendered or goods are received and the final invoice is received by the university’s Accounts Payable department through Workday UM Quicklinks option 2.

Purchase requisitions must be generated BEFORE services are rendered. A purchase order is an agreement between the university and a vendor stating that once merchandise is received or services are rendered, the university will issue payment. If the final invoice for the completed service exceeds the amount of the purchase order, the original purchase order must be increased before payment can be generated.

To process payment through a purchase requisition/purchase order:

I. Obtain an estimate in writing from the vendor. An “Invoice” or “Bill” is not acceptable. The document should say “Estimate” or “Proposal.”

II. Using the estimate, the organization’s advisor creates a new purchase requisition in Workday. Please note that if the requisition is submitted by another UM staff/faculty member, it will route to the advisor for approval in Workday.

III. Once approved (typically within 48 hours), a purchase order is generated. The advisor can view the PO number in Workday.

IV. The student or advisor shares the PO number with the vendor as confirmation of payment. A copy of the purchase order can also be obtained by searching the number in Workday or contacting the Purchasing Department directly.

V. Vendor provides goods or services.

VI. Vendor sends an invoice to the student or advisor.

VII. Advisor sends the invoice to Accounts Payable. This serves as confirmation that the good or services were received, and begins the payment process. Final invoices should be sent via Workday UM Quicklinks option 2 – “Invoice Submission Form – Accounts Payable”.

VIII. Vendors are paid according to the terms of their vendor agreement with the university. Some are Net-60 (paid 60 days after receipt of an invoice), while others are Net-30 or Net-15. Vendors may negotiate their payment terms with Purchasing directly.

For more information on purchase requisitions/purchase orders, please contact the Purchasing Department at Gables One Tower Suite 1235, by phone at (305) 284-5751, or on the web at www.miami.edu/purchasing.

Supplier Invoices (eChecks)

Supplier Invoices are used under extremely limited circumstances to pay one-time charges on behalf of a student organization. One-time charges include performance fees, honoraria, and charitable contributions. To generate a Supplier Invoice, a final invoice from the company is needed. If the payee is a performer, a copy of the fully-executed contract for the event can be used in place of an invoice. For performers, a W9 (dated in current calendar year) is required along with the copy of the contract. The name and address on the W9 must match check payee.

Supplier Invoices can be requested by the organization’s advisor through Workday. Once the request has been fully approved, it can take about three days for the check to be generated by disbursements. Checks are mailed directly to the address in the system or funds are wire transferred (depending on how the supplier request was set up in Workday).

To have a check re-issued or to request a stop payment, an organization’s advisor must fill out a stop payment form, which can be found at:


For more information on Supplier Invoices, please contact the Accounts Payable Department by phone at (305) 284-4877.

Purchasing Card (P-Card) & Travel Card (T-Card)

University of Miami faculty and staff are eligible to apply for a purchasing card and/or travel card that can be used for certain types of expenditures. The user must agree to the terms of the card, and must follow a strict reconciliation policy each month.

For more information on P-Cards, please contact the Corporate Cards Office by phone at (305) 284-2417 or www.miami.edu/corporatecards.

If an advisor is unable to obtain a P-Card/T-Card, the Department of Student Activities and Student Organizations (SASO) would be able to assist with student organization purchases that are requested in a timely manner. To book an appointment with the financial department of SASO, please email  Christine Baez c.baez2@miami.edu.

Online appointment scheduler coming soon!

Financial Systems Training Resources

The Controller’s office offers trainings and tutorials for Workday and Purchasing related matters at https://www.purchasing.miami.edu/training/resources-and-tutorials/index.html and at ulearn.miami.edu. At www.miami.edu/saso under the “Advisor” tab there are resources for the financial piece of the role. The direct link to the financial section can be found at the following link: https://saso.studentaffairs.miami.edu/advisors/financial-resources/index.html

More in-depth information about University Financial Systems can also be found in the “Finances” section of the Student Organization Handbook at the following link:

